Neuroformation is used for the neuro-decoding of dialectical chains that lead to thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A fundamental part is defining the structure and content of the new dialectical chains (affirmations) for the formation of new concepts.
For example, neuroformation has a medium and long-term impact on mental stress, which is determined by the individual differences attached to the history of each person.
Arturo Niño Solís
Researcher registered in CONACYT, in the National Registry of Scientific and Technological Institutions and Companies (Mexico)
- Compatible with personal interest and that of the company / organization.
- In the first person (self-directed).
- Positive.
- In the present tense.
- With a structure to avoid logical thinking. The one who accepts or rejects information.
This way of establishing the encoded message has the following support:
Dr. Nestor Braidot
Writer, international lecturer, consultant, professor and researcher
Of 100% of what is perceived, the brain does a process of filtering information and only "stays" with 1% depending on the interest of each person.
The need to optimize the functioning of brain processes in order to be able to work faster, with less risk of errors and, fundamentally, to prevent improper handling of emotions from negatively affecting the executive functions of the brain, which are what we need to analyze, resolve, decide and plan, in other words, to carry out an efficient, creative and socially adapted work behavior.
Dr. Joseph Le Doux
"Feel-good thoughts to break down negative thoughts".
Daniel Goleman
Author of the book Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a way of interacting with the world that takes feelings into account and includes skills such as impulse control, self-awareness, motivation, enthusiasm, perseverance, empathy, mental agility.
They configure character traits such as self-discipline, compassion or altruism, which are essential for a good and creative social adaptation.
Dra. Pia Aravena
Institute of Cogntive Sciences of France
"The brain responds to structured sentences in a positive way".
Dr. Roger Sperry
1981 Nobel Prize in Medicine, prize obtained precisely for its discovery in relation to the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres
The left brain controls language, logical thinking, and writing. In it is the center of speech. It also controls the ability for mathematics and sensitivity.
The right brain hemisphere controls creative thinking, controls the left hand, fantasy, musical talent, and all artistic activities.
The other key piece of the neuroformation process is to form long-term memory (brain plasticity); is what is called Cellular Learning Mechanism.
Sequence to strengthen learning (coded communication with TRAV©).
Dr. Paul Dennison
Educator, pioneer of kinesiology and founder of the Brain Gym
Movements and exercises that stimulate the functioning of both cerebral hemispheres, whose objective is to activate the senses and facilitate the integration and assimilation of new knowledge. It is known as Brain Gymnastics.
Dr. Terje Lomo
Norwegian Physiologist specialized in Neuroscience
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP), considered one of the cellular mechanisms underlying learning and memory. LTP is the lasting enhancement in the transmission of signals between two neurons that results from the synchronous stimulation of both. It is one of several phenomena that underlie synaptic plasticity, the ability of the chemical synapse to change its strength.
Dr. Donald Hebb
Canadian psychologist creator of the Hebbian Learning theory
The formation of neural networks (Hebb Learning) governed by the following principle: “when an axon of a cell –A- is close enough to a cell –B- to excite it and participates repeatedly or persistently in its firing, a process of growth or metabolic change in one or both cells, in such a way that the efficiency of –A-, as one of the cells that makes –B- shoot, increases.
Dr. Eric Richard Kandel
Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000, a prize obtained precisely for his discovery in relation to the cellular mechanism of learning
One of the fundamental characteristics of memory is that it is made up of stages. Short-term memory lasts a few minutes, while long-term memory can last for many days or even longer periods. Behavioral studies suggest that there is a gradual transformation of short-term memory and that, in addition, this transformation is achieved through repetition.
Long-term memory generates what is called Neuroplasticity or Brain Plasticity, which is defined as: “changes produced in the nervous system as a result of experience (learning), injuries or degenerative processes”.
One of the characteristics of High Vibration Resonance Technology (TRAV)© is the inherent reinforcement of the objective to be achieved so that it is permanent (long-term memory).
When TRAV is applied in Organizations it has an implicit benefit, it is applied while the staff is working, that is, without distracting them from their productive activities. This is called passive learning.
"Passive learning, incidental learning in which the learner does not play an active part" .
Neuroscience Dictionary. Francisco Mora and Ana María Sanguinetti.
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