Derived from advances in scientific research on the brain, the so-called Neurosciences have been created, in which they have reached such a level of depth that their specialization and application is very broad. For example, the so-called Neuromanagement, Neuromarketing and Neurolearning, just to mention a few.
Taking into account that Neurolearning "is the discipline that studies not only how the brain works but, more specifically, how the brain learns", there is a variety of techniques, methods and technologies that help the brain, as an organ of learning, do it more efficiently; This is the case of High Vibration Resonance Technology (TRAV)©, as a powerful tool for personal transformation through Neurolearning.
The Dictionary of Neuroscience, by Francisco Mora and Ana María Sanguinetti (Editorial Alliance), defines Brain Plasticity as “changes produced in the nervous system as a result of experience (learning), injuries or degenerative processes. Plasticity is expressed as modification of the synapses, dendritic or axonal proliferation and changes in the densities or dynamics of the ion channels ”.
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